Update PETSc monitor code for changes in PETSc dev

Issue #665 resolved
Prof Garth Wells created an issue

Monitors have been disabled to keep DOLFIN compiling against PETSc dev. Need to be fixed.

Comments (7)

  1. Lawrence Mitchell

    I think the problem is that PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_(...) does not increase the refcount of the returned viewer. So you should not call PetscObjectDereference on the viewer you get back after creating the PetscViewerAndFormat.

  2. Prof Garth Wells reporter

    @wence Can you help us to understand why something so simple (print residual to stdout) requires so many lines of code?!

  3. Lawrence Mitchell

    Not really sure. I think this is designed to be sort of internal to petsc and you just call Snessetfromoptions with the appropriate options set.

  4. Patrick Farrell

    Garth: I've committed a fix to pefarrell/fix-petsc-monitors. It passes all regression tests (finally).

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