Plotting of functions with matplotlib is always piecewise constant

Issue #666 resolved
Martin Sandve Alnæs created an issue

I think this is a regression, pretty sure it was piecewise linear before.

Comments (11)

  1. Chris Richardson

    Neither. Previously, it used "gouraud" shading (which @blechta removed). The "gouraud" shading is smoother than piecewise linear. I messaged a matplotlib developer, but it is upstream from them - graphics backend support...

  2. Jan Blechta

    One can just pass kwarg plot(..., backend='matplotlib', mode='color', shading='gouraud').

    Do you think, @chris_richardson, that the issue is filed upstream and getting some attention?

  3. Chris Richardson

    No, I think it is low priority for them. I personally prefer "gouraud" as the default. Either way it is misleading, so we might as well have something which looks nice.

  4. Chris Richardson

    I feel they are complementary, though. matplotlib is useful in other ways - e.g. can save output in various formats. Agree for 3D though.

  5. Jan Blechta

    Despite P1 colouring issue, I've found matplotlib useful for producing high quality PDFs in a programmatic way.

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