Point search error on 2D mesh

Issue #674 invalid
Thomas Hughes created an issue

In the attached file, tree.compute_first_collision(p) seems to return the wrong cell index for the midpoint of one of the two cells on a simple 2D mesh.

This looks similar to issue #542 but the fix for that issue doesn't seem to fix this one. I tried this on 1.6 and 1.7dev.

(Could be user error. I'm fairly new to dolfin.)

Comments (4)

  1. Anders Logg (Chalmers)

    Replace the call to compute_first_collision by compute_first_entity_collision. The function you have used computed collisions with the bounding boxes of the tree (not the entities = cells) so the result you get is that bounding box 0 collides with both points which is correct.

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