Empty cells refining in parallel with ghost_mode = shared_facet

Issue #686 closed
Nathan Sime created an issue

When refining a mesh in parallel with the option

parameters['ghost_mode'] = 'shared_facet'

produces output as follows:


Comments (3)

  1. Nathan Sime reporter

    It seems the cells exist, this is an issue with XDMF output when the ghost_mode is shared_facet.

    Run the following with more than one mpi process.

    from dolfin import *
    parameters['ghost_mode'] = 'shared_facet'
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(8, 8)
    fi = XDMFFile(mesh.mpi_comm(), 'out.xdmf')
    fi = File('out.pvd')
    fi << mesh
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