test_compile_extension_module always use the same Instant cache

Issue #705 duplicate
Johannes Ring created an issue

The unit test test_compile_extension_module in test/unit/python/jit/test_jit.py is always using the same Instant cache, even if for instance the DOLFIN version number is changed. This test creates two extension modules, one with module name mypetscmodule and one with no (empty) module name. The one with no module name will be given a unique module name based on the hex of the DOLFIN version number (among other things), while the mypetscmodule module will always have the same name even when the version number changes. This has caused the problems we have seen lately on Bamboo with many failed and hung builds. How can we change this test to fix this problem? Can we give it another module name which includes the DOLFIN version number somehow instead of just calling it mypetscmodule?

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