Edges in 3D not initialised in parallel

Issue #751 resolved
Chris Richardson created an issue

There seems to be a bug in parallel in 3D for Edges.

from dolfin import *

mesh = UnitCubeMesh(5,5,5)
for dim in range(4):
    print dim, mesh.size(dim), mesh.size_global(dim)


0 128 216
0 125 216
1 612 612
2 869 1650
3 384 750
1 591 591
2 833 1650
3 366 750

on two processes. Clearly the size(1) and size_global(1) should not be the same.

Comments (9)

  1. Chris Richardson reporter

    OK, the problem seems to be that, although you can call mesh.init(1) to initialise the Edges, it does not do any global numbering, unless you also call DistributedMeshTools::number_entities(mesh, 1) (which is unavailable in Python).

    As it happens, Edges in 3D are a special case, because vertices, cells and facets are always initialised globally in parallel.

    My suggestion is that we should always call DistributedMeshTools::number_entities() in mesh.init().

  2. Prof Garth Wells

    Not sure that's a good solution. Potentially expensive calls should be made explicit.

    Maybe we need separate calls for local and global, and we can also wrap them all behind another function.

  3. Chris Richardson reporter

    Normally I'd agree, but the current situation leads to very non-intuitive behaviour. In parallel you already have numbered vertices, facets and cells globally. The only overhead would be when calling mesh.init(1) in parallel - but reasonably enough, as that is a fairly clear signal from the user. Also, it is hard (impossible?) from Python at the moment.

  4. Prof Garth Wells

    Another reason to not silently perform a parallel operation is that local init becomes, unnecessarily, a collective operation.

  5. Chris Richardson reporter

    I've got a branch https://bitbucket.org/fenics-project/dolfin/branch/chris/fix-global-index which should fix this issue.

    1. Returns std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max() for unset global index (instead of crashing). This was in the comment, but not implemented until now.
    2. Set global_size(dim) to zero unless set.
    3. Adds a method Mesh::init_global(dim) to create global indices on demand - otherwise you have to create a FunctionSpace or something.

    I'll create a pull request.

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