Collision detection still not always correct

Issue #790 resolved
Chris Richardson created an issue

There is still a bug in collision detection of a point and a cell. Here is a MWE to demonstrate it:

from dolfin import *

big = 1e6
p1 = Point(0.1, 0.06)
p3 = Point(big*2.1, big*0.1)
p2 = Point(0.0, big*3.0)
p0 = Point(big*3.0, 0.0)

mesh = Mesh()
ed = MeshEditor(), 2, 2)

t = 1e-3
ed.add_vertex(0, p0)
ed.add_vertex(1, p1)
ed.add_vertex(2, p2)
ed.add_vertex(3, p3)

ed.add_cell(0, 2, 3, 0)
ed.add_cell(1, 0, 1, 3)
ed.add_cell(2, 1, 2, 3)


xdmf = XDMFFile("a.xdmf")

print mesh.cells()
print mesh.coordinates()

bb = mesh.bounding_box_tree()

# Find a point on line somewhere between p3 and p1
j = 4
pq = (p3*j + p1*(50-j))/50.0
c = bb.compute_entity_collisions(pq)
print pq.str(), c

# Check neighbouring points
step = 1e-6
for i in range(-1, 2):
    for j in range(-1, 2):
        pt = pq + Point(step*i, step*j)
        c = bb.compute_entity_collisions(pt)
        print pt.str(), c

The problem only occurs on highly deformed irregular meshes where neighbouring cells have different vertex order orientations.

Comments (20)

  1. Anders Logg (Chalmers)

    It's part of collision detection which is closely related to ongoing work on robustness of geometric tests as part of multimesh work (branch logg/multimesh). I changed the label to highlight this issue to be fixed in that branch. Other issues with the label geometry are very different: mesh generation interface, point sources, etc.

  2. August Johansson

    This is a good test for the geometry predicates we're working on. I can replace the geometry computations in BoundingBoxTreeXd with the our new collision predicates and test this.

  3. Chris Richardson reporter

    I have got a solution in my branch, as noted by @blechta. The important point is that the test should be computationally the same from both sides of an interface.

  4. August Johansson

    With the new collision predicates we're working on I get the same result as your branch. I'll add this as a test.

  5. Chris Richardson reporter

    I haven't checked my MWE above against master since your merge, but if it now works, then please close. I still worry about neighboring cells across a process boundary... Does it work in parallel?

  6. August Johansson

    I'll have to check how it works in parallel. It works in serial. I'll close if it works in parallel.

  7. Anders Logg (Chalmers)

    With n processes I get 9n intersections. I assume this is correct? @chris_richardson

  8. August Johansson

    That's the result I got too, which I guess means the test works in a trivial parallelization. This is of course good, but I thought the real parallel test would be to see if it works when the mesh is partitioned.

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