XDMF IO of (discontinuous) Lagrange functions of arbitrary order

Issue #844 resolved
Jan Blechta created an issue

It could be possible to implement XMDF IO of dPk (and Pk, if special case is special enough to be treated separately) functions in DOLFIN and Paraview. That would cover then plotting of any (polynomial) elements.

Comments (3)

  1. Chris Richardson

    This would be effectively covered by implementing the new scheme outlined here:


    We save the dofmap as well as the values, and XDMF is capable of interpreting it. Obviously, this requires some updates to the XDMF standard. However, it is far preferable to the ad hoc approach, where we output a 'fake' mesh, which is only really good for visualisation, and cannot be used for checkpointing/saving a Function.

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