Factorize EigenMatrix

Issue #847 resolved
Franco Milicchio created an issue

It would be considerably useful to let users factorize an EigenMatrix in order to re-use it with different RHSs, for instance using the EigenLUSolver class. The current implementation, however, does not allow calling the set_operator method on non-const matrices:

/// Set operator (matrix)
void set_operator(std::shared_ptr<const GenericLinearOperator> A);

/// Set operator (matrix)
void set_operator(std::shared_ptr<const EigenMatrix> A);

Comments (4)

  1. Jan Blechta

    I believe that constness is not an obstacle here. The factorization would be stored within the Eigen solver class, not the matrix.

  2. Chaffra Affouda

    I think this change leads to some memory leak or overrun. Objects are not being deleted properly. Please see issue 1028

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