Demo multimesh-poisson has spikes

Issue #856 resolved
Anders Logg (Chalmers) created an issue

The solution computed by the demo multimesh-poisson has spikes in the solution that shouldn't be there. Missing or wrong stabilization?

Concerns both the Python and C++ version of the demos (which should be identical).

Comments (5)

  1. August Johansson

    I've done the following:

    • I checked the formulation and it's the same as the one I've used previously.
    • I ran the demo with geometry debugging and didn't encounter any errors.
    • I increased \beta and I got a larger spike!

    I need to think about this one a bit more.

  2. Magne Nordaas

    The dof causing the spike is fully covered by the upper mesh. The current implementation is using GenericMatrix.ident_zeros to eliminate such dofs, making it sensitive to round-off errors from the inclusion/exclusion calculations. This is what happened here - the roundoff errors were marginally larger than the threshold value which is DOLFIN_EPS.

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