Error in X3DOM display of mesh

Issue #872 new
Martin Sandve Alnæs created an issue

Displaying a mesh in a notebook, the browser console shows: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'trim' of undefined at listToArray3d (x3dom_support.js?_=1497428548237:6) at setupColorContent (x3dom_support.js?_=1497428548237:262) at setupMenu (x3dom_support.js?_=1497428548237:198) at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (x3dom_support.js?_=1497428548237:342) at mightThrow (jquery-3.1.0.js?_=1497428548236:3508) at process (jquery-3.1.0.js?_=1497428548236:3576) the mesh still shows though.

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