XMDF: Error, no proxy that matches: group= and proxy= were found.

Issue #884 invalid
Nico Schlömer created an issue

When writing data to an XDMF file, the file is not recognized as XDMF3 by ParaView.


import dolfin

mesh = dolfin.UnitSquareMesh(10, 1)
V = dolfin.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
u = dolfin.Function(V)

with dolfin.XDMFFile('test.xdmf') as xdmf_file:

Resulting file (without the heavy data):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Xdmf Version="3.0">
    <Grid Name="mesh" GridType="Uniform">
      <Topology NumberOfElements="20" TopologyType="Triangle" NodesPerElement="3">
        <DataItem Dimensions="20 3" NumberType="UInt" Format="HDF">test.h5:/Mesh/mesh/topology</DataItem>
      <Geometry GeometryType="XY">
        <DataItem Dimensions="22 2" Format="HDF">test.h5:/Mesh/mesh/geometry</DataItem>
      <Attribute Name="f_4" AttributeType="Scalar" Center="Node">
        <DataItem Dimensions="22 1" Format="HDF">test.h5:/VisualisationVector/0</DataItem>

When trying to open with ParaView:

ERROR: In /home/buildslave/dashboards/buildbot/paraview-pvbinsdash-linux-shared-release_superbuild/source-paraview/ParaViewCore/ServerImplementation/Core/vtkSIProxyDefinitionManager.cxx, line 526
vtkSIProxyDefinitionManager (0x2590e60): No proxy that matches: group= and proxy= were found.

The file does open as XDMF(2), but since support for that will be removed from ParaView soon, this will become urgent.

Comments (8)

  1. Michal Habera

    What setting do you use? I do not have a problem running the snippet and reading on master and ParaView 5.4.0.

  2. Nico Schlömer reporter

    I'm using dolfin on master and ParaView 5.4.0. I've also simplified the original example. The heavy data is here.

    Do you get the same XML?

  3. Nico Schlömer reporter

    Ah wait, in ParaView, do you choose, Xdmf3 Reader or Xdmf3 Reader (Top Level Partition)?

  4. Michal Habera

    Xdmf3 Reader, but it works on any reader I choose, even Xdmf(2) (strange). From dolfin I get the same XML file. More specifically I have 5.4.0-RC2 64-bit. This is probably an issue of ParaView.

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