pybind11 Expression broken: parameters list/set confusion

Issue #943 wontfix
Marco Morandini created an issue

Right now demo/documented/poisson/python does not work with pybind. If I understand correctly it boils down to the fact that somewhere some parameters (params['build']['include_dirs'], params['build']['libs'] and params['build']['lib_dirs']) are generated as set, but this is not accepted by dijitso.params.as_str_tuple. Relaxing the requirement there to accept also sets makes ufl unahappy: in ufl/ufl/utils/ there is

warning("Applying str() to a metadata value of type {0}, don't know if this is safe.".format(type(value).__name__))

A patch like the following papers around the issue, but I'm not convinced it is the right approach:

--- /home/marco/Programmi/Dolphin/src_from_dorsal/dolfin/python/dolfin/./jit/     2017-10-12 14:10:09.077094838 +0200                                    
+++ ./jit/        2017-10-13 17:47:26.034746703 +0200                                                                                                    
@@ -133,9 +133,9 @@

     # Set compiler/build options
     params = dijitso.params.default_params()
-    params['build']['include_dirs'] = d["include_dirs"]
-    params['build']['libs'] = d["libraries"]
-    params['build']['lib_dirs'] = d["library_dirs"]
+    params['build']['include_dirs'] = list(d["include_dirs"])
+    params['build']['libs'] = list(d["libraries"])
+    params['build']['lib_dirs'] = list(d["library_dirs"])

     name = cpp_data['name']
     if name not in ('subdomain', 'expression'):
--- /home/marco/Programmi/Dolphin/src_from_dorsal/dolfin/python/dolfin/./fem/    2017-10-12 14:10:09.077094838 +0200
+++ ./fem/       2017-10-13 17:48:40.940211462 +0200
@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@
         import pkgconfig
         d = pkgconfig.parse('dolfin')
         if form_compiler_parameters is None:
-            form_compiler_parameters = {"external_include_dirs": d["include_dirs"]}
+            form_compiler_parameters = {"external_include_dirs": list(d["include_dirs"])}
             # FIXME: add paths if dict entry already exists
-            form_compiler_parameters["external_include_dirs"] = d["include_dirs"]
+            form_compiler_parameters["external_include_dirs"] = list(d["include_dirs"])

         ufc_form = ffc_jit(form, form_compiler_parameters=form_compiler_parameters,

Comments (9)

  1. Jan Blechta

    @MarcoMorandini I can't reproduce it with current master, runs just fine. Maybe it is something dependent on the configuration. What is value of your external_include_dirs?

  2. Prof Garth Wells

    Not sure what's up here; Poisson demo runs on the CI and is the go-to test problem and we haven't had any other reports.

  3. Marco Morandini reporter

    Don't know why, but on my build pkgconfig.parse('dolfin')["include_dirs"] is a set, and not a list. Thus, the error. I.e. I get this:

    marco@pao:~> python3
    Python 3.4.6 (default, Mar 22 2017, 12:26:13) [GCC] on linux
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
    >>> import pkgconfig
    >>> d = pkgconfig.parse('dolfin')
    >>> print(d)
    defaultdict(<class 'set'>, {'define_macros': {('HAS_SLEPC', ''), ('HAS_PARMETIS', ''), ('DOLFIN_VERSION', '2017.2.0.dev0'), ('NDEBUG', ''), ('HAS_CHOLMOD', ''), ('HAS_SCOTCH', ''), ('HAS_ZLIB', ''), ('HAS_TRILINOS', ''), ('HAS_PETSC4PY', ''), ('DOLFIN_LA_INDEX_SIZE', '4'), ('HAS_MPI', ''), ('HAS_PETSC', ''), ('DOLFIN_SIZE_T', '8'), ('HAS_HDF5', ''), ('HAS_UMFPACK', '')}, 'include_dirs': {'/home/marco/local/Fenics/include/eigen3', '/home/marco/local/Fenics/lib/python3.4/site-packages/ffc/backends/ufc', '/home/marco/local/Fenics/include/suitesparse', '/home/marco/local/Fenics/include/trilinos', '/home/marco/local/Fenics/lib64/python3.4/site-packages/petsc4py/include', '/home/marco/local/Fenics/include'}, 'library_dirs': {'/home/marco/local/Fenics/lib64', '/home/marco/local/Fenics/lib', '/home/marco/Programmi/Vtk/ParaView-5.4.0-Qt5-OpenGL2-MPI-Linux-64bit/lib'}, 'libraries': {'anasazi', 'belosepetra', 'tpetra', 'petsc', 'galeri-xpetra', 'zoltan', 'stratimikos', 'tpetraclassic', 'teuchosremainder', 'ModeLaplace', 'aztecoo', 'teuchosnumerics', 'stratimikosamesos', 'tpetraext', 'slepc', 'amesos2', 'belostpetra', 'tpetrainout', 'xpetra-sup', 'teuchoskokkoscompat', 'stratimikosml', 'kokkoscontainers', 'stratimikosaztecoo', 'z', 'teko', 'belos', 'mpi', 'kokkostsqr', 'mpi_cxx', 'thyraepetra', 'boost_timer', 'stratimikosifpack', 'anasaziepetra', 'thyracore', 'thyratpetra', 'teuchoscore', 'muelu', 'epetra', 'tpetraclassicnodeapi', 'tpetraclassiclinalg', 'zoltan2', 'muelu-adapters', 'anasazitpetra', 'triutils', 'ifpack2', 'stratimikosbelos', 'ifpack', 'amesos', 'teuchoscomm', 'epetraext', 'muelu-interface', 'xpetra', 'dl', 'thyraepetraext', 'dolfin', 'isorropia', 'teuchoskokkoscomm', 'm', 'hdf5', 'kokkoscore', 'tpetrakernels', 'galeri-epetra', 'teuchosparameterlist', 'ml', 'kokkosalgorithms', 'rtop', 'ifpack2-adapters'}})
    >>> type(d["include_dirs"])
    <class 'set'>

    Perhaps a configuration error on my side?

  4. Chris Richardson

    Can you find out what version of pkgconfig you have? Mine says 1.2.2 - maybe try pip3 install -U pkgconfig to update?

  5. Prof Garth Wells

    Side note: we'll remove the dependency on the pkgconfig module at some point. It's very lightweight so easy for us to implement.

  6. Marco Morandini reporter

    Version 1.1.0

    You are right, after upgrading pkgconfig type(d["include_dirs"]) returns <class 'list'> and not <class 'set'> as with 1.1.0.

    I think this could be confusing to all the users that, like me, relies on their distribution pkgconfig, whatever version it may be; perhaps the workaround proposed at the top of the thread could avoid them some headache.

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