Multimesh area not always correct in 2D

Issue #945 new
August Johansson created an issue

There are still cases where the area (the total length of the visible interface) is somewhat large. In the below example, the area error is about 5e-9. If I multiply or divide the angle by 2, the area is 1e-15. This is something we should investigate further @benjamik @logg .

from dolfin import *

angle_rad = 6.2417838048732141201e-09
angle_deg =  180.0*angle_rad / DOLFIN_PI

N = 1
a = -0.1
b = 1.1
mesh_0 = RectangleMesh(Point(a, a), Point(b, b), N, N)
mesh_1 = UnitSquareMesh(N, N)

mesh_2 = UnitSquareMesh(N, N)
mesh_2.rotate(angle_deg, 2, Point(0.0, 0.0))

mesh_3 = UnitSquareMesh(N, N)
mesh_3.rotate(2*angle_deg, 2, Point(0.0, 0.0))

# Create multimesh
multimesh = MultiMesh()

# Volume
#volume = multimesh.compute_volume()
#exact_volume = (b-a)*(b-a)
#volume_error = abs(volume - exact_volume)
#print("volume error", volume_error)

# Area
area = multimesh.compute_area()
s = (sin(angle_rad) + cos(angle_rad) - 1.0) / cos(angle_rad)
exact_area_1 = 2 + s;
exact_area_2 = 2 + s;
exact_area_3 = 4
exact_area = exact_area_1 + exact_area_2 + exact_area_3
area_error = abs(area - exact_area)
print("area error", area_error)

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