Mesh topology connections return non-existing cell numbers

Issue #967 resolved
Tormod Landet created an issue

This could very possibly be my fault for not initializing the mesh correctly, but the following code works in serial and reports non-existing cell numbers when run on two processors. I expected either the correct results or some error message

from dolfin import *

parameters['ghost_mode'] = 'shared_vertex'

comm = MPI.comm_world
rank = MPI.rank(comm)

mesh = UnitSquareMesh(2, 2)
mesh.init(1, 2)

# Print cell neighbours for each facet and count the number
for facet in facets(mesh):
    fidx = facet.index()
    cnbs = mesh.topology()(1, 2)(fidx)
    print('Rank %d facet %d has connected cells %s' % (rank, fidx, cnbs))

In parallel I get results like

Rank 0 facet 0 has connected cells [37763008]
Rank 0 facet 1 has connected cells [0 3105283032]
Rank 0 facet 2 has connected cells [32520]
Rank 0 facet 3 has connected cells [0 4]
Rank 0 facet 4 has connected cells [1 2]

Comments (8)

  1. Tormod Landet reporter

    With latest master version I sometimes get reasonable results, but on most runs I get random results for at least some facets. I have tried all types of mesh.init() combinations just to be sure.

  2. Francesco Ballarin

    I think this only occurs with pybind11 wrappings, or at least I run your snippet a bunch of times with swig wrappings and everything was working correctly.

  3. Tormod Landet reporter

    You are probably right, I just assumed for whatever reason that this was related to the ghosting, but I get the same results without ghosting the mesh (no errors in serial, though). I am indeed using the pybind11 wrappers

  4. Jan Blechta
        py::class_<dolfin::MeshConnectivity, std::shared_ptr<dolfin::MeshConnectivity>>
          (m, "MeshConnectivity", "DOLFIN MeshConnectivity object")
          .def("__call__", [](const dolfin::MeshConnectivity& self, std::size_t i)
                 return Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Matrix<unsigned int, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>>(self(i), self.size(i));})

    is referencing plain ptr

    std::size_t MeshConnectivity::size(std::size_t entity) const
    const unsigned int* MeshConnectivity::operator() (std::size_t entity) const

    Add py::return_value_policy::reference_internal.

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