custom system_headers in jit kwargs do not make it to generated ffc_form file

Issue #108 closed
Chaffra Affouda created an issue

I use some custom headers when generation my forms but they do not make it to the swig generated file

// This code conforms with the UFC specification version 1.7.0dev
// and was automatically generated by FFC version 1.7.0dev.
// This code was generated with the following parameters:
//   convert_exceptions_to_warnings: False
//   cpp_optimize:                   True
//   cpp_optimize_flags:             '-O2'
//   eliminate_zeros:                True
//   epsilon:                        0.0
//   error_control:                  False
//   form_postfix:                   False
//   format:                         'ufc'
//   include_dirs:                   ['/home/chaffra/Projects/FEniCS/lib/python2.7/site
//                                   -packages/semifem/cpp/include']
//   libraries:                      ['/home/chaffra/Projects/FEniCS/lib/python2.7/site
//                                   -packages/semifem/cpp/']
//   library_dirs:                   ['/home/chaffra/Projects/FEniCS/lib/python2.7/site
//                                   -packages/semifem/cpp']
//   no-evaluate_basis_derivatives:  False
//   optimize:                       True
//   precision:                      300
//   precompute_basis_const:         True
//   precompute_ip_const:            True
//   quadrature_degree:              -1
//   quadrature_rule:                'auto'
//   representation:                 'uflacs'
//   split:                          False
//   system_headers:                 ['fermi_dirac.h']

#ifndef __FFC_FORM_D8CD9CD3C80F1736B5604F5B1E55C29E07BC3426_H
#define __FFC_FORM_D8CD9CD3C80F1736B5604F5B1E55C29E07BC3426_H
#include <boost/math/special_functions.hpp>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <ufc.h>

Comments (5)

  1. Jan Blechta

    @chaffra, could you try if this is still an issue? First, dijitso is used instead of Instant, and second, there might have been fixed in Instant for this few days ago.

  2. Martin Sandve Alnæs

    I don't think this ever worked or is fixed now. But it's not hard to fix. The question is how should the includes be passed, through form metadata perhaps? This is for forms, right?

  3. Chaffra Affouda reporter

    Sorry, was swamped with work. Now that you closed it I am responding. Yes this should be closed because you've made quite a lot of changes to ffc. I had fixed it in the past and will check back in if this is still an issue.

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