FFC installer does not play well with editable/develop install

Issue #115 resolved
Jan Blechta created an issue

It seems that with pip install --no-deps --upgrade --prefix=<prefix> -e . generated py files are not generated. At the same time generated cmake files are installed into <src>/cmake/templates and point to the location in <prefix>/include. But there are no header files installed.

If editable install ever works for anyone, it just unsafe coincidence due to remnants of previous non-editable install.

Comments (4)

  1. Martin Sandve Alnæs

    Maybe we should have a standalone command for installing headers which also updates the ufc_config.py. When the ufc_config.py file is modified by running this script, it should become available on next import with an editable install. We can still call the header install script from setup.py, or maybe better to intercept "python setup.py install_headers" instead of a separate script.

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