Representation choice logic is flawed

Issue #120 resolved
Jan Blechta created an issue

If representation is chosen by integral metadata and parameter system choice is non-matching, wrong code for tabulate_tensor is emitted. The code combines results of two different representations resulting in a rubbish.

The problem is reproducible by the following MWE

from dolfin import *
import numpy as np

import dijitso

mesh = UnitSquareMesh(1, 1)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'N1curl', 1)
u = TestFunction(V)

# Works if parameter matches metadata
parameters['form_compiler']['representation'] = 'uflacs'
L0 = u[0]*dx(metadata={"representation": "uflacs"})
x0 = assemble(L0)
parameters['form_compiler']['representation'] = 'quadrature'
L1 = u[0]*dx(metadata={"representation": "quadrature"})
x1 = assemble(L1)
print(x0.array(), x1.array())
x1 -= x0
assert np.isclose(x1.norm('l2'), 0.0)

# Fails otherwise
parameters['form_compiler']['representation'] = 'auto'
L0 = u[0]*dx(metadata={"representation": "uflacs"})
x0 = assemble(L0)
L1 = u[0]*dx(metadata={"representation": "quadrature"})
x1 = assemble(L1)
print(x0.array(), x1.array())
x1 -= x0
assert np.isclose(x1.norm('l2'), 0.0)

This might be related to #112 as the solution might require some clean-up in representation choice. Helpful tool for resolving this is pull request #40.

Comments (6)

  1. Martin Sandve Alnæs

    The problem is that the choice is not really per integral. The call to compute_form_data must be performed differently for uflacs vs quadrature/tensor, and is only done once for each form. I think it's fine if an erroneous mix of representations within a form throws an error; obviously rubbish code is not fine.

  2. Martin Sandve Alnæs

    Basically, if any integral metadata has representation set to uflacs or tsfc, that must be used for all integrals or an error raised in case of conflicting specification.

  3. Jan Blechta reporter

    This will be resolved by pull request #45. compute_form_data is now called correctly to match an effective representation. Using conflicting parameters/metadata is now error.

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