UFLACS generates undefined variable for quadrature element

Issue #146 new
Umberto Villa created an issue

UFLACS generates a code with undefined variable FE6_C0_Q3

element = FiniteElement("Quadrature", triangle, 2, quad_scheme="default")
p = TrialFunction(element)
q = TestFunction(element)
a = p*q*dx(degree=2)

Other representations work fine.

Comments (7)

  1. Umberto Villa reporter

    Hi Jan,

    Thanks for editing my report and for pointing out that other representations work fine.

    Following your suggestion, I was able to work around this issue by changing the representation to quadrature for this variational form only (and then switching it back to uflacs for the other weak forms).



  2. Marco Morandini

    A workaround for UFLACS is

    --- a/ffc/uflacs/build_uflacs_ir.py
    +++ b/ffc/uflacs/build_uflacs_ir.py
    @@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ def build_uflacs_ir(cell, integral_type, entitytype,
             # Drop tables not referenced from modified terminals
             # and tables of zeros and ones
    -        unused_ttypes = ("zeros", "ones", "quadrature")
    +        unused_ttypes = ("zeros", "ones")
             keep_table_names = set()
             for name in active_table_names:
                 ttype = ir["unique_table_types"][name]

    With the above patch it should work, and I do not see any increase of computational time wrt. the quadrature representation. It is likely that the c++ compiler detects that variables like FE6_C0_Q3 are either == 1. or == 0. and simplifies the generated code accordingly.

    The best fix would be to implement separate block modes for quadrature arguments, as already hinted in build_uflacs_ir.py:

                # TODO: Add separate block modes for quadrature
                # Both arguments in quadrature elements
                for iq
                    fw = f*w
                    #for i
                    #    for j
                    #        B[i,j] = fw*U[i]*V[j] = 0 if i != iq or j != iq
                    BQ[iq] = B[iq,iq] = fw
                for (iq) 
                    A[iq+offset0, iq+offset1] = BQ[iq]
                # One argument in quadrature element
                for iq
                    fw[iq] = f*w
                    #for i
                    #    for j
                    #        B[i,j] = fw*UQ[i]*V[j] = 0 if i != iq
                    for j
                        BQ[iq,j] = fw[iq]*V[iq,j]
                for (iq) for (j)
                    A[iq+offset, j+offset] = BQ[iq,j]

    @blechta , what should we do?

  3. Umberto Villa reporter

    This error with uflacs is still present in 2017.2.0.

    If I manually set ' parameters["form_compiler"]["representation"] = "quadrature" ', how can I silence this warning?

    /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ffc/jitcompiler.py:235: QuadratureRepresentationDeprecationWarning: 
    *** ===================================================== ***
    *** FFC: quadrature representation is deprecated! It will ***
    *** likely be removed in 2018.1.0 release. Use uflacs     ***
    *** representation instead.                               ***
    *** ===================================================== ***
  4. Jan Blechta

    Silence the warning this way

    import warnings
    from ffc.quadrature.deprecation import QuadratureRepresentationDeprecationWarning
    warnings.simplefilter("once", QuadratureRepresentationDeprecationWarning)

    if you really need to.

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