Missing 2017.2.0.post0 tarball

Issue #172 resolved
Jan Blechta created an issue

No description provided.

Comments (7)

  1. Drew Parsons

    For context, the current 2017.2.0 tarball has .dev0 marked in ufc.h (i.e. marked as a beta release)

  2. Jan Blechta reporter

    The tarball 2017.2.0.post0 has to be created from tag 2017.2.0.post0 tag. No hacks please.

  3. Drew Parsons

    In practice, just updating the tarball is "good enough". That was done for instant, fiat and dijitso, after some beta release tarballs had been uploaded in September. It looks a bit funny for people tracking the packages though (I had to relabel the instant, fiat and dijitso for Debian since I had already processed the September tarballs). Worse case scenario, it looks like fenics/bitbucket has been hacked.

    Since there's already a precedent for the .post0 mechanism, used for dolfin, I'd recommend doing it that way (though it's not a huge drama if you just update the current tarball). Technically you could call it 2012.2.1, since it involves an update to the source code.

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