Invalid (duplicate) code for projection of RT/BDM on mesh (a) to XY on mesh (b)

Issue #178 new
rambausek created an issue

FFC generates duplicate line of code leading to 'redeclaration errors' (gcc).

This also occurs for BDM elements. Did not check in 3d.

Reproduce with:

import dolfin
import numpy as np

mesh_coarse = dolfin.UnitSquareMesh(1, 1)
mesh_fine = dolfin.UnitSquareMesh(1, 1)
# not the same as 'mesh_fine = mesh_coarse'

V_coarse = dolfin.FunctionSpace(mesh_coarse, 'RT', 1)
f_coarse = dolfin.Function(V_coarse)
f_coarse.vector()[0] = 1.0 

V = dolfin.FunctionSpace(mesh_fine, 'RT', 1)
pi_fh = dolfin.project(f_coarse, V)

Not that this does not occur with 'quadrature' representation.

See also this thread on slack

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