Expressions obtained via subclassing Expression in Python are interpolated not evaluated on

Issue #5 invalid
moritz braun created an issue

I have written code in Python using fenics, dolfin etc. to solve the three dimensional Schroedinger Equation. For my choice of potential and weight function I observer slow or non-existing convergence to theoretically known values. After counting the number of calls to the python class implementing the potential I realized, that this does not depend on the interpolation order chosen via parameters["form_compiler"]["quadraturedegree"] but is consistent with being called at all nodes of the interpolation. Is there a way to change a parameter such that the Expression is evaluated at all integration grid points, of course at the cost of much larger CPU time? I will not be able to use fenics for publishable results if this cannot be done/fixed

Comments (6)

  1. moritz braun reporter

    Dear Fenics Developers

    I do understand that you would like questions to be answered on another site however It might help to inform prospective posters of this.



  2. moritz braun reporter

    Dear Garth

    I think this issue might turn out to be a bug at a later stage.



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