build_module fails to propagate cppargs argument

Issue #11 resolved
James R. Maddison created an issue

In the release version (1.2) of Instant the cppargs argument is ignored when the cmake_packages argument is non-empty. This has the consequence of DOLFIN set c++ optimisation flags being ignored, which leads to a serious performance penalty.

Comments (4)

  1. James R. Maddison reporter

    My impression (from reading the code only) is that this may already be fixed in master.

  2. Johan Hake

    Yes this was an unfortunate regression introduced when switching to CMake as build backend and it has been fixed in master.

  3. Prof Garth Wells

    I've pushed a change to FFC to use cpp optimsation by default for a better use experience. It's presently in the next branch.

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