git tag / __version__ inconsistency

Issue #21 wontfix
Gabriel Balaban created an issue

Dear maintainer, In my directory containing instant I checked out 1.4.0

git checkout instant-1.4.0

and then got the version in Python

import instant
print instant.__version__

the result is 1.3.0+.

Now I am not sure if I am using the correct version of instant to go with the other FEniCS 1.4 components. Could you please make the version variable and git tag consistent?

Comments (9)

  1. Johannes Ring

    I am using this script to make the releases and it looks like it is doing the right thing. Also, the other FEniCS repositories have got their 1.4.0 tags pointing at the correct commit, so I am not sure what happened in this case with Instant.

    I guess we can move the tag to the correct commit. Any objections?

  2. Johannes Ring

    I found this, which says:

    Remember to alert any other developers on the team if you ever “force” a change like this. If they still have an “old” version of the tag around, it may cause conflicts when they try to push to the server!

  3. Martin Sandve Alnæs

    Exactly. So for e.g. dolfin it would be out of the question: there are too many branches around that would get problems. For instant, it may not matter so much, but everyone will have to reset their instant repositories so I think it's still not worth the trouble.

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