Python 3 support

Issue #50 invalid
Lizao Li created an issue

It seems that currently mshr only works with Python 2 but other parts of FEniCS already support Python 3.

Comments (6)

  1. Benjamin Dam Kehlet

    Do you have problem building or is it something else?

    We have a buildbot that builds a py3 version (here: ), but maybe there are issues it doesn't catch?

  2. Lizao Li reporter

    @benjamik Thanks for the fast response. It was my problem. I confirm that mshr runs in Python 3 without any problem once I specify python3 to cmake.

    My mistake was that I thought the environment variables FENICS_PYTHON_MAJOR_VERSION and FENICS_PYTHON_MINOR_VERSION used in FEniCS installation scripts elsewhere were respected by cmake but in this case it was not. In fact these variables were defined for something else.

  3. Mariano Alberto Garcia Vellisca

    Hello, when I run a code with 'import mshr' in python 3 it doesn't find mshr. I'm trying to fix it but I can not get into the link you wrote:

    May I need to belong this project? How can I joint them? Thank you!

  4. Mariano Alberto Garcia Vellisca

    I installed fenics. I did: $sudo apt-get install python3-dolfin That was ok, but It is strange because if I import mshr in python 2 it runs ok, but it doesn't in python 3.

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