mshr with overlapping subdomains missing edges

Issue #66 open
Chaffra Affouda created an issue


In the following code the vertical subdomain r2 is missing some edges. It gives the expected mesh if the size of r2 in the x direction is greater than 0.1. For smaller values the edges of r2 inside r1 disappear. Any help is appreciated.

Thanks, Chaffra

from dolfin.cpp.mesh import Point
from dolfin import parameters, plot

from mshr import generate_mesh, Rectangle
import numpy as np

r1 = Rectangle(Point(0.0,0.0), Point(2.0,1.0))
r2 = Rectangle(Point(0.0,0.0), Point(0.1,2.0))

geometry = r1+r2
mesh = generate_mesh(geometry, 1.0, 'cgal')


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