Introduce explicit interpolation operator instead of hidden interpolation

Issue #103 new
Jan Blechta created an issue

Following DOLFIN code

from dolfin import *

mesh1 = UnitIntervalMesh(1)
mesh2 = UnitIntervalMesh(2)

P1 = FiniteElement("P", mesh1.ufl_cell(), 1)
V2 = FunctionSpace(mesh2, P1)

u2 = Function(V2)
u2.vector()[:] = 1
DirichletBC(V2, 0, lambda x,b:b).apply(u2.vector())

print(assemble(u2*dx(mesh2)))  # Ok
print(assemble(u2*dx(mesh1)))  # Should raise



which shows that hidden interpolation happens. (FFC generates code assuming u2 lives on ufl.FunctionSpace(mesh1, P1). This is not true and DOLFIN interpolates there by calling Function::restrict()). Arguably this should not happen behind the scene and the last line should raise. Current behaviour should be recovered by

# Explicit interpolation (gives current behaviour)
space_on_mesh1 = ufl.FunctionSpace(mesh1, P1)
interpolant_on_mesh1 = ufl.interpolate(u2, space_on_mesh1)
F = ufl.interpolate(interpolant_on_mesh1*dx(mesh1))
assert assemble(F) == 0

In conclusion ufl.interpolate(coefficient, space) needs to be added.

Furthermore, this operator will allow FC/FE library to implement further interpolation operators. FFC/DOLFIN currently has only interpolation from one mesh to another with the same element. Different elements are possible.

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