Improved pretty printing

Issue #23 resolved
Martin Sandve Alnæs created an issue

From launchpad. Various forms of pretty printing can benefit from some updating and improvements, for easier debugging and better support for code generation:

- Lift C renderer from uflacs
- Lift latex renderer from uflacs, improve ipython notebook support
- Implement better latex renderer for forms, improve ipython notebook support
- Rewrite str renderer with algorithms from uflacs
- Improve dot-rendering with compact symbols for all node types
  (evt add option to switch between repr style and greek style)
- Lift improved graph class from uflacs, add dot-rendering: G = Graph(e); print G.dot_format()
- Add utility "showdot(e)" for interactive experimentation. Need a good way to show images to do this. Maybe with ipython notebook support?

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