make: sphinx-build: Command not found

Issue #26 invalid
Former user created an issue

From a blank page:

git clone

cd ufl

sudo python install


--- Generating UFL html documentation

Creating file ./doc/sphinx/source/ufl.finiteelement.rst. Creating file ./doc/sphinx/source/ufl.algorithms.rst. Creating file ./doc/sphinx/source/ufl.rst. Creating file ./doc/sphinx/source/modules.rst.

--- reSTructured text files generated in doc/sphinx/source/

Adding label to ./doc/sphinx/source/ufl.rst Adding label to ./doc/sphinx/source/ufl.finiteelement.rst Adding label to ./doc/sphinx/source/ufl.algorithms.rst Writing documentation index file to ./doc/sphinx/source/index.rst rm -rf build/ sphinx-build -b html -d build/doctrees source build/html make: sphinx-build: Command not found make: ** [html] Error 127

--- HTML files generated in ./doc/sphinx/build/html


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