Allow functions to be restricted to subdomains

Issue #8 invalid
Martin Sandve Alnæs created an issue

Functions restricted to subdomains currently have the syntax:

subdomain = dx(0)
V_restricted = V[subdomain]

which produces a RestrictedElement. Here the subdomain is described by a Measure object, which is technically sufficient for simple restrictions, but conceptually not so nice.

We will improve this in relation with a subdomain-language, and in concert with improved subdomain support in ffc/dolfin.

Comments (4)

  1. Martin Sandve Alnæs reporter

    Current design iteration, will be used as basis for unit tests later:

    ###### Subdomain language:
    # Create toplevel domain:
    cell = triangle
    D = Domain(cell, name='mydomain')
    # Domain has some basic properties like dimensions:
    assert == 'mydomain'
    assert D.cell() == cell
    assert D.geometric_dimension() == 2
    assert D.topological_dimension() == 2
    # Create numbered disjoint subdomains:
    D1 = D[1]
    D3 = D[3]
    D2 = D[2]
    # These subdomains are registered in D so they can be retrieved later:
    assert D.disjoint_subdomains() == [D1, D2, D3]
    # Create named possibly non-disjoint subdomain groups:
    Dleft = DomainGroup((D1, D2), name='left')
    Dright = DomainGroup((D2, D3), name='right')
    # Named subdomains are also registered in D:
    assert Dleft == D['left']
    assert Dright == D['right']
    assert Dleft != D['right']
    # The overlap between domain groups can be specified easily:
    Doverlap = DomainOverlap(Dleft, Dright, name='overlap')
    assert D['overlap'] == DomainGroup((D2,), name='overlap') # A bit unsure here
    ###### Defining elements on subdomains:
    # Elements can be defined on domain groups:
    VL = VectorElement(Dleft, "CG", 1)
    VR = FiniteElement(Dright, "CG", 2)
    assert VL.domain() == Dleft
    assert VR.domain() == Dright
    assert VL.domain().disjoint_subdomains() == [D1, D2]
    assert VR.domain().disjoint_subdomains() == [D2, D3]
    # Elements can be combined into mixed elements:
    V = VL*VR
    assert V.domain() == D # This is unclear
    assert V.domain().disjoint_subdomains() == [D1, D2, D3]
    # The mixed element can be queried for which elements live on which disjoint subdomains:
    dom2elm = V.domain2subelement()
    assert dom2elm == {
        D1: (VL,),
        D2: (VL,VR),
        D3: (VR,),
    # I think we'll need to mirror these in ufc::dof_map:
    #void ufc::dof_map::domain2subelements(std::map< std::size_t, std::vector<size_t> > & d2s) const;
    # Result matching above ufl code:
    #d2s[1] == vector({0,}) # VL is subelement 0
    #d2s[2] == vector({0,1}) # both VL and VR
    #d2s[3] == vector({1,}) # VR is subelement 1
  2. Martin Sandve Alnæs reporter

    Work items: [meg-simula] Extract integrals over subdomains from subdomain groups: TODO

  3. Martin Sandve Alnæs reporter

    This design is deprecated, other issues exist or will be created for the same functionality.

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