Collect an overview of uflacs optimisations

Issue #15 closed
Martin Sandve Alnæs created an issue

At the moment the focus on uflacs development is on getting to feature completeness.

Collecting optimisation ideas here for later prioritization and implementation.

Possible adjustments more on the FFC side:

  • Remove unused psi tables.

Generic code generation improvements:

  • Handle conditionals properly with if-else blocks

Partitioning and scheduling algorithms:

  • Improve cost heuristics.
  • Split up typical huge line at end of code generation.

Algorithm tuning:

  • Expose uflacs code generation parameters for experimentation.
  • Automate search for optimal code generation parameters.

More ideas are found as comments in the code, collect them here later by looking through the code.

Comments (3)

  1. Martin Sandve Alnæs reporter

    Not very interesting comments in here. Will rather open new issues for each significant optimization.

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