Implementing all geometry quantities for all integral entity types

Issue #16 closed
Martin Sandve Alnæs created an issue

For each of:

  • interval
  • triangle
  • tetrahedron

Both with:

  • On cell with tdim == gdim
  • On cell with tdim < gdim
  • On facet of cell with tdim == gdim
  • On facet of cell with tdim < gdim


  • xi
  • x
  • J
  • K
  • detJ
  • D (integration scaling factor)

On cells only:

  • cell volume
  • cell radius
  • (cell normal for tdim=gdim-1?)
  • (cell barycenter)

On facets only:

  • facet normal
  • facet area
  • (facet diameter)
  • (facet barycenter)

Comments (4)

  1. Martin Sandve Alnæs reporter

    What's missing are the various measures of cell entity volumes, areas, lengths, etc.

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