
Clone wiki

OTools / Scene setup


Node hierarchy is not supported in .o models (except for nodes which used as bones for skinned meshes). If there's a node hierarchy in the scene, all child nodes will be processed the same way as parent nodes. This means that the origin of each node must be placed in scene center. Before exporting the model from 3d software, make sure all node transformations were applied. If the model contains hierarchy, you can also use preTransformVertices flag - it will transform all vertices automatically.

To ignore some specific node, add [ignore] to node name.

Materials & Shaders

By default, a shader for material is selected automatically. For example, for some FIFA games, if material is rendered with alpha blending, a ClipTextureAlphablend shader will be selected.

Each material in the scene can be manually connected with special shader. To do this, add

[shader name]
to material name. For example, to force Texture2x shader for material:
MyMaterial [Texture2x]


When option genTexNames is not used, all texture names should consist of 4 characters (for example: tp00). If there's a texture name longer than 4 characters, it will be truncated to 4 characters. This may cause problems if there are 2 or more textures with identical 4 first characters in the name.

When option genTexNames is used, all texture names which exceed the name length limit, will be re-generated.


Skeleton must be stored under separated node called "Skeleton". Bone nodes should have bone indices in their names, like this: MyBone [12]. It's recommended to use already existing skeleton which can be exported from original game files.
