Editing tile_color values up to 10-digits

Issue #41 resolved
C. Pryce created an issue

Hi Mitija,

Firstly, this spreadsheet that you have created is absolutely genius! Well done.

I have a small request if possible...

I want to change Backdrop Colours from a colour picker in my script. At the moment I can't edit the tile-colour beyond 9-digits on some colours.

I think they all should be 10-digit fields by default.


Comments (7)

  1. Mitja Müller-Jend repo owner

    Looks like the tile_color can be positive and negative between 8 and 11 digits long and it depends on the color.

  2. C. Pryce reporter

    Thanks for responding. One more question/request, I have a small bit of code that I would like to include in the tile_color field within the spreadsheet... Do you think that would be possible?

    Basically I would like to set a parent type expression to a colorChip that is being set elsewhere in my script so the Backdrop Colour updates to correspond.

  3. Mitja Müller-Jend repo owner

    Setting expressions from a right click menu is still an open issue of this tool.

    Note that the tile_color colorChip knob doesn't keep expressions as far as I know. You'd have to use the knobChanged() callback instead to update the color.

  4. Mitja Müller-Jend repo owner

    Some further investigation revealed that the table currently only allows to enter values up to 2147483647. I'm still trying to find out where that limit comes from.

  5. Mitja Müller-Jend repo owner

    Looks like the QTableView uses a QIntValidator that limits the range. I'll have to figure out how to extend this to long ranges.

  6. Mitja Müller-Jend repo owner

    This should be fixed by commit 17115d0.

    The tile_color can now be edited through an editor that shows the rgba values of the ColorChip_Knob. The default node color is used as a start value when opening the editor. Implemented the int range rollover necessary to not save the default color to the node when closing the editor without changing the default rgb value.

    @qu4rtz: Please note when updating: the bitbucket version is ahead of the nukepedia release. The menu integration has change slightly (see Read.me)

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