NuBridge error from NodeTable

Issue #45 resolved
Andree created an issue

Funny enough, I get an error from NuBridge when I add the following pythonPath in our shared nuke.pluginAddPath("./Python/NodeTable")

I've installed the into the NUKE_PATH

I've attached the nuBridge folder

OSX version 10.9.5 Nuke version 10.5v5

from terminal*

Traceback (most recent call last): File "~"Path to nubridge pythonPath"~/NuBridge/src/controller/", line 4, in <module> import Nukepedia # for logger File "src/controller/", line 20, in init controller.Nukepedia (src/controller/Nukepedia.c:41571) File "src/controller/", line 37, in init controller.common (src/controller/common.c:14396) ImportError: No module named NukepediaDB

Comments (4)

  1. Mitja Müller-Jend repo owner

    If your Python folder is already added as plugin path, you don't have to add the NodeTable folder because it's a python package (it contains an module). Try removing that line (nuke.pluginAddPath("./Python/NodeTable")) and it should work.

  2. Andree reporter

    Ah I see, that worked Thank you I also missed the "load selected nodes" button, seem obvious now but it might help others to include it in the demo gif. Thank you for your fast respons.

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