Ability to uninstall a specific version

Issue #4 resolved
Jeyanthan Inbasekaran created an issue

As we continue to install multiple versions of a product, it soon gets cluttered and there are occasions that we will have to uninstall/remove some versions to save some space.

It would be great if we have an option to uninstall/remove a specific version of installed product.

Eg: ./atl.sh bamboo 6.0.3 remove

The above command should remove <bamboo home>, <installer directory> and database if found.

Comments (4)

  1. Felipe Kraemer repo owner

    Partially implemented at fb97ac5. The home and the installation directories can now be deleted.


    1. The database still needs to be deleted manually, if any. Each product saves database details in a different configuration file, being it .xml or .properties extension, so this is kinda tricky. Or, I must find a way of reading each one to obtain the database details, to then try deleting it, hoping the database user has permission to delete that database. Or, as the database names follow a naming convention, the tool should ask which database type was being used, then ask for the 'root' user password, and then find and delete the database.
    2. I just happened to realize that the tool will only allow deleting a specific product version if no versions of that product are running. If, for example, a Bamboo version 6.6.1 is up and running, it shouldn't block deleting a 6.5.1 version.
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