Server not starting on OSX 10.9

Issue #2 resolved
Starik Starik created an issue

Tried to run ClieNXT on OSX 10.9. GUI shows, when i press "Start server" it became pressed but no console log and when "Unlock account" it says "Please, start server!"

Comments (10)

  1. fmiboy NA repo owner

    Hi starik,

    thanks again… for cross platforms current directory has different implementation, I just test run myself on Mac. And will update download files soon.

    Thanks for taking time to report!

  2. fmiboy NA repo owner

    I have updated files. And please note: include "nxt" folder inside "lib" folder and run/double-click Clienxt.jar

    let me know if it fixed the error?!

    if you see there is no message on console window after a while, please run ClieNXT.jar from command window and copy error message if any

  3. Starik Starik reporter

    Tested on win and osx. Now in both ClieNXT works identically. Server started, waited 5 min. Got "hecksum passed at block 30000" in console. But no blocks, no transaction despite that .nxt file sizes seems full. Restarting server doesn't help. Boring "unknown peer error" on peer tab. Restarting whole ClieNXT and server gives emty blocks, peers, transactions tab but server seem running ok. Uff...

  4. fmiboy NA repo owner

    I see, thank you for getting back... please bear with me I am working on this, in upcoming release I will remove peers and blocks to see if you like new design and features.. latest tomorrow I will upload here, and post on the forum as well....

  5. Starik Starik reporter

    Tested 002 only on win. Very strange place imho for unlock button. After i unlocked one account and added watch to another switching accounts on transactions tab not working for me. Also cannot see aliases of watched account. Again imho checked "attach message" by default is misleading. Design with large monochrome buttons is better for me, i think peers and blocks can be accessed through some "advanced mode" in preferences because it is more technical information. But number of connected peers and last block can be placed in status bar like in bitcoin qt client.

    Edit: Oh, on Mac client not starting server, "File->Exit" from menu doesn't work. Macintosh:ClieNXT.0.0.2 ???$ java -jar Clienxt.jar Cannot run program "java" (in directory "/lib/nxt"): error=2, No such file or directory

  6. fmiboy NA repo owner

    Thank you for your feedbacks!

    • Alias by default can be seen only for accounts that are unlocked, not watchlisted, BUT i can change this in next update with only line of code.

    • Will think about Send window, to optimize it for better use.

    • Advanced mode or Settings section will be added soon as well...

    • Status bar is actually great idea ( I also was thinking about it, maybe showing at least numbers would be good to see if you are up to date )

    • Mac still has this issue? that's strange, I have tested it, will do more testing then.

    Thank you for taking time to review. I will make sure to keep in mind that bigger buttons, better accessibility is important.

  7. Starik Starik reporter

    Tested 003 on OSX - seems all ok. Server starting, transactions, aliases showing. I think you need to improve the transactions tab - very confusing incoming and outgoing transactions.

  8. fmiboy NA repo owner

    will work on that, thank you starik!

    Please check 004 version as well, made some changes and let me know if you find any issues!

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