Please upload to PyPI

Issue #41 resolved
Jody McIntyre created an issue

Can you please upload this package to PyPI? It would make installing using standard tools (pip, and especially using pip freeze) easier.

Comments (9)

  1. Albert-Jan Roskam repo owner

    Hi Jody, this is a consequence of PEP 470, see PyPi's maximum package size is something 20Mb, and savReaderWriter is way bigger. That's why it's only hosted on Bitbucket. The good folks of Pypi are willing to make an exception, though, but this is not yet effective. To be continued.... :-)

  2. Jody McIntyre reporter

    Thanks for the update! The biggest issue I'm facing with not having it on PyPi is that every time we run pip install -r requirements.txt pip grabs a new copy of savReaderWriter from Bitbucket, and if Bitbucket is down our build fails. So I'm glad you're working on this :)

  3. Albert-Jan Roskam repo owner

    And Bitbucket et al being down was exactly the rationale for PEP 470 and not allowing externals

  4. Albert-Jan Roskam repo owner

    okay, I just uploaded version 3.4.0 to Pypi. Unless you're on a mainframe (HP-UX, AIX, Solaris or zLinux), you can install by using

    pip install savReaderWriter --upgrade

    If you happen to be one of the ive-or-so persons in the world who's using the module on a mainframe, the pip install should be followed by

    python -m savReaderWriter.util.download_mainframe_libs

    (by excluding those libs I managed to stay below the Pypi upload limit)

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