Reiteration over the reader is unintuitive

Issue #48 new
Dan Cardin created an issue

The way iteration works (only tested in python3) acts very oddly. My testcase is below.

    with SavReader(savFileName=file_name) as reader:
        first_row = reader[0]
        second_row = reader[1]

        # Just checking I get the same thing, this works
        print(first_row == reader[0])
        print(second_row == reader[1])
        # Prints: True
        # Prints: True

        # Again still works, just checking
        print(second_row != first_row)
        # Prints: True

        for i, r in enumerate(reader):
            if i == 0:
                # Here's the first issue, when iterating over the reader, I expect the first row
                print(r == first_row)
                # Prints: False

                # but get the third row, see?
                print(r == reader[2])
                # Prints: True

        # Okay lets finish iterating
        for r in reader:

        test = iter(reader)
        before = next(test)
        for i, r in enumerate(reader):
            # And here's the other issue, after you've finished iterating over the whole thing once
            # you just get the same (last) entry in an infinite loop
            print(before == r)
            # Prints: True (every time)

            if i > 10:

By subclassing it with the following code, I get expected behavior, but there's obviously probably a better way inside the library itself.

class SavReaderWrapper(SavReader):
    def __iter__(self):
        def iterator():
            for i in range(self.shape.nrows):
                yield self[i]
        return iterator()

Comments (3)

  1. Albert-Jan Roskam repo owner

    Hi Dan,

    Thanks for reporting this. I think this stems from the fact that __getitem__ and __iter__ share much of each other's code in a helper method. I have been staring at my own code for a while and concluded that I'd better re-write both methods. I also did that with SavReaderNp and it has become a lot cleaner. I hope I have time for this soon.

    Best wishes, Albert-Jan

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