Returns wrong measure level

Issue #74 new
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When I am trying to read the measurelevel of a .zsav file using the pyton module I got a wrong measure level for a specific case.

with savReaderWriter.SavHeaderReader(input_file, ioLocale='en_US.UTF-8') as headreader: return headreader.measureLevels

In the above case if the measure level is 'scale' in the file it returns 'ratio' every time.

To suspect this issue i went to the file measureLevels(self) --> This function is defining a dictionary levels = {0: b"unknown", 1: b"nominal", 2: b"ordinal", 3: b"scale", 3: b"ratio", 4: b"flag", 5: b"typeless"} How both 'scale' and 'ratio' comes under the same key in the 'levels' dictionary

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