Things are going to go wrong after 9999 minutes (6 days, 22hrs 39 mins)

Issue #5 new
Dougie Lawson created an issue

Currently you're stuck to 9999 minutes of runtime before you have to intervene.

I've already added some code to take a kill -usr1 pid or a kill -usr2 pid and do an action based on either of those signals. I haven't, yet, added that to my /etc/init.d script.

Currently, I simply build a new folder, reset the counter to 0001_hhmm.jpg and keep running.

My next plan is kill -usr1 puts the timelapse into long wait pause and kill -usr2 resumes it. That way with a bit of magic to decide when it's dawn or dusk and I can avoid all of the dark and un-interesting images.

I'll probably code it so that the new folder and rest to 0001_hhmm.jpg is automated. The bit of magic to determine when to wake and when to sleep is the hard part.

I'm writing images to a NAS NFS share so I've got a terrabyte available.

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