ladder examples

Issue #4 resolved
dsmic created an issue

some examples where a ladder ruined the game:(

Comments (8)

  1. Francois van Niekerk repo owner

    Oakfoam should now correctly handle these situations using the new ladder code. Currently it needs to be enabled by setting "features_ladders", but after confirming a strength increase it can be enabled by default.

  2. Francois van Niekerk repo owner
    • changed status to open

    It seems that LGRF may be interfering with this. The playouts can still easily go very wrong if LGRF is enabled. Needs further work.

  3. dsmic reporter

    I am working at a kind of save lgrf at the moment. I check for the sourounding pattern of the move if I do the lgrf before your local rules and does the rest of the lgrf after your local rules.

    I found some strength increase and will commit as soon as I have cleaned up....

  4. dsmic reporter

    I commited my stuff. I added a comment in the getPlayoutMove to explain the idea of the playout_order I choose.

  5. dsmic reporter

    I just add a game of fuego which I saw on kgs this minute, it has a simelar ladder but, but the atari stone was not the ladder start.

    Just to be sure, you do not invest to much time into a special case...

    I did not test the ladder code yet, sorry..

  6. dsmic reporter

    I checked all examples with actual parameters. The [bool] features_ladders 0 is not turned on, it is handled by the playouts correctly!

    All this examples are read correctly with param = [string] rand_seed 1366854073 [list/playout/1-ply/uct] move_policy uct [bool] book_use 1 [string] thread_count 3 [string] memory_usage_max 2048 [string] playouts_per_move 9600 [string] playouts_per_move_max 9600 [string] playouts_per_move_min 9600 [string] playout_criticality_random_n 0 [bool] playout_poolrave_enabled 0 [bool] playout_poolrave_criticality 0 [string] playout_poolrave_p 1.000 [string] playout_poolrave_k 60 [string] playout_poolrave_min_playouts 43 [bool] playout_lgrf2_enabled 0 [bool] playout_lgrf1_enabled 0 [bool] playout_lgrf_local 0 [bool] playout_lgrf2_safe_enabled 0 [bool] playout_lgrf1_safe_enabled 0 [bool] playout_lgrf1o_enabled 0 [string] playout_avoid_lbrf1_p 0.900 [string] playout_avoid_lbmf_p 0.500 [string] playout_avoid_lbrf1_p2 0.200 [string] playout_avoid_lbmf_p2 0.400 [bool] playout_lgpf_enabled 0 [bool] playout_atari_enabled 0 [string] playout_lastatari_p 0.900 [bool] playout_lastatari_leavedouble 1 [string] playout_lastatari_captureattached_p 0.570 [bool] playout_lastcapture_enabled 1 [bool] playout_last2libatari_enabled 1 [bool] playout_last2libatari_complex 1 [bool] playout_nakade_enabled 1 [bool] playout_nakade4_enabled 1 [bool] playout_nakade_bent4_enabled 1 [bool] playout_nakade5_enabled 1 [bool] playout_nearby_enabled 0 [bool] playout_fillboard_enabled 1 [string] playout_fillboard_n 5 [bool] playout_circreplace_enabled 0 [bool] playout_fillboard_bestcirc_enabled 0 [string] playout_randomquick_bestcirc_n 0 [string] playout_random_weight_territory_n 0 [string] playout_random_weight_territory_f0 0.000 [string] playout_random_weight_territory_f1 0.000 [string] playout_random_weight_territory_f 0.000 [string] playout_circpattern_n 0 [string] playout_patterns_p 1.000 [string] playout_patterns_gammas_p 0.000 [string] playout_anycapture_p 0.400 [bool] playout_features_enabled 0 [bool] playout_features_incremental 0 [string] playout_random_chance 0.000 [string] playout_random_approach_p 0.360 [bool] playout_avoid_selfatari 1 [string] playout_avoid_selfatari_size 5 [bool] playout_avoid_selfatari_complex 0 [bool] playout_useless_move 1 [string] playout_order 4 [bool] playout_mercy_rule_enabled 0 [string] playout_mercy_rule_factor 0.400 [bool] playout_fill_weak_eyes 1 [string] test_p1 0.000 [string] test_p2 1.000 [string] test_p3 0.000 [string] test_p4 0.000 [string] test_p5 1.000 [string] test_p6 0.000 [string] test_p7 0.000 [string] test_p8 0.000 [string] test_p9 1.000 [string] test_p10 0.000 [string] test_p11 0.000 [string] test_p12 1.000 [string] test_p13 1.000 [string] test_p14 1.000 [string] test_p15 1.000 [string] ucb_c 0.300 [string] ucb_init 1.100 [string] bernoulli_a 0.000 [string] bernoulli_b 0.000 [string] weight_score 0.010 [string] random_f 0.000 [string] rave_moves 200 [string] rave_init_wins 5 [string] uct_preset_rave_f 0.000 [string] rave_skip 0.000 [string] rave_moves_use 0.000 [string] uct_expand_after 10 [bool] uct_keep_subtree 1 [bool] uct_symmetry_use 1 [bool] uct_virtual_loss 1 [bool] uct_lock_free 0 [string] uct_atari_prior 0 [string] uct_playoutmove_prior 0 [string] uct_pattern_prior 0 [bool] uct_progressive_widening_enabled 1 [string] uct_progressive_widening_init 1 [string] uct_progressive_widening_a 30.000 [string] uct_progressive_widening_b 1.400 [string] uct_progressive_widening_c 0.670 [bool] uct_progressive_widening_count_wins 1 [string] uct_points_bonus 0.020 [string] uct_length_bonus -0.001 [bool] uct_progressive_bias_enabled 1 [string] uct_progressive_bias_h 120.000 [bool] uct_progressive_bias_scaled 1 [bool] uct_progressive_bias_relative 0 [string] uct_progressive_bias_moves 113.000 [string] uct_progressive_bias_exponent 1.000 [string] uct_criticality_urgency_factor 0.000 [string] uct_criticality_urgency_decay 0.000 [string] uct_criticality_unprune_factor 70.000 [bool] uct_criticality_unprune_multiply 1 [string] uct_criticality_min_playouts 150 [bool] uct_criticality_siblings 1 [string] uct_prior_unprune_factor 0.000 [string] uct_rave_unprune_factor 20.000 [string] uct_earlyrave_unprune_factor 0.000 [string] uct_rave_unprune_decay 20.000 [bool] uct_rave_unprune_multiply 0 [string] uct_oldmove_unprune_factor 0.000 [string] uct_oldmove_unprune_factor_b 0.000 [string] uct_oldmove_unprune_factor_c 0.000 [string] uct_reprune_factor 0.000 [string] uct_factor_circpattern 0.000 [string] uct_factor_circpattern_exponent 1.000 [string] uct_simple_pattern_factor 1.000 [string] uct_atari_unprune 1.000 [string] uct_atari_unprune_exp 0.000 [string] uct_danger_value 0.000 [string] uct_slow_update_interval 100 [string] uct_slow_debug_interval 5000 [bool] uct_stop_early 1 [bool] uct_terminal_handling 1 [string] surewin_threshold 0.900 [string] surewin_pass_bonus 1.000 [string] surewin_touchdead_bonus 0.500 [string] surewin_oppoarea_penalty 0.500 [string] resign_ratio_threshold 0.150 [string] resign_move_factor_threshold 0.300 [string] territory_decayfactor 0.300 [string] territory_threshold 0.600 [string] uct_decay_alpha 1.000 [string] uct_decay_k 0.000 [string] uct_decay_m 0.000 [bool] features_ladders 0 [bool] features_dt_use 0 [bool] learn_enabled 0 [string] learn_delta 0.010 [bool] rules_positional_superko_enabled 1 [bool] rules_superko_top_ply 0 [string] rules_superko_prune_after 200 [bool] rules_superko_at_playout 1 [bool] rules_all_stones_alive 0 [string] rules_all_stones_alive_playouts 100 [string] time_k 7.000 [string] time_buffer 30.000 [string] time_move_minimum 0.100 [bool] time_ignore 0 [string] time_move_max 3600.000 [bool] pondering_enabled 0 [string] pondering_playouts_max 1000000 [bool] live_gfx 0 [string] live_gfx_update_playouts 300 [string] live_gfx_delay 0.001 [string] outputsgf_maxchildren 10 [bool] debug 0 [bool] interrupts_enabled 0 [bool] undo_enable 1 [bool] features_only_small 0 [string] features_output_competitions 0.000 [bool] features_output_competitions_mmstyle 0 [bool] features_ordered_comparison 0 [bool] auto_save_sgf 0 [string] auto_save_sgf_prefix [string] dt_update_prob 0.000 [string] dt_split_after 1000 [string] dt_split_threshold 0.000 [string] dt_range_divide 10 [bool] dt_solo_leaf 1 [string] dt_output_mm 0.000 [bool] dt_ordered_comparison 0

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