firstlist and secondlist used for rave

Issue #44 open
dsmic created an issue

I was trying to implement covariance positions and wondered, it this is the expected behaviour.

In the playouts it is possible that the same position is in firstlist and secondlist.

Of cause this can happen, and I do not remember correctly but I thought I read, that only the first move at a position was counted for rave.

maybe I am wrong.

I had a test like this in my code if (blacklist->get(p) && whitelist->get(p)) fprintf(stderr,"This should not happen!!! a place played by black and white in bitboard?!\n");

which was called with firstlist and secondlist for blacklist and whitelist and it triggered?

Comments (11)

  1. Francois van Niekerk repo owner

    I am not sure if this should be allowed to happen, but I don't think it will make a big difference either way. I am happy to change my opinion with some empirical results.

  2. dsmic reporter

    Test on 9x9 show significant improvment (20ELO or more). Should I use a parameter rave_use_first_only in tree? or just "fix" it?

  3. dsmic reporter

    just to not confuse you: test_p2 was 1 in both, but in the old behaviour test rave behavoiur change was not implemented, sorry for the unconvinience!

  4. Francois van Niekerk repo owner

    I think a parameter like "rave_use_first_only" would be best for now (to preserve old behaviour), but then in the future it could be removed

  5. Francois van Niekerk repo owner

    When you have a moment, please submit a pull request with this change to close this bug

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