not approaching group to die

Issue #10 resolved
dsmic created an issue

A game from cgos, where oakfoam does not kill because it does not play a9 or a7?!

Comments (6)

  1. Francois van Niekerk repo owner

    This requires the addition of the "approach moves" heuristic, which can be seen in Section 3.3 of Chaslot et. al. "Adding expert knowledge and exploration in Monte-Carlo Tree Search"

  2. dsmic reporter

    This rule would be nice, but I think there is a bug explicitly forbidding this moves, as they are not found at all. At least at the top of the tree search it should be found as far as I understand it?!

  3. dsmic reporter

    I check this out, the version on my Laptop finds the winning move 84, I have to check if I made a mistake with the version on the MAC, sorry for the noise:(

  4. dsmic reporter

    OK, we will get a lot of fun optimizing the parameters:) The parameters I use at the moment are stronger in average but they do often not find the move 84:(

    Hopefully we get a feeling how to do the optimization, if we are at this point. Seems to be a little more difficult than just to find the optimum value. I already saw, that the parameters are a little weaker on cgos than my last ones,

    but I think you can close this bug. We have to keep the parameter problem in mind!

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