Does not understand simple seki

Issue #11 resolved
dsmic created an issue

it plays last2libatari by putting itself into selfatari, therefore it thinks the c7 group is dead:(

Comments (7)

  1. dsmic reporter

    I think there is wrong historical code in the function, can you have a look at? I commented it out. I think it does not handle correctly, if two touching strings have the same liberty, this is handled already by the code before the outcommented part?!

    (I was not sure enough what I did to commit, therefore I just attach the source file)

  2. dsmic reporter

    Might be a good idea to collect this kind of situations as a quality check.

    We might construct a test suite to take care that we do not introduce the problems again?!

    We might have a look at the test cases posted on computer go last month too...

  3. Francois van Niekerk repo owner

    These should be added to the regression tests in the "regression" folder. I plan to add regression tests for a number of bugs after I have fixed them.

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