some feature gammas might be color dependent

Issue #31 resolved
dsmic created an issue

I am running tests with self trained feature gammas compared to original ones. They are run on 19x19 against GnuGo 3.8 L0 with 3000 playouts/s with the attached gomill.cfg (only the loadfeaturegamma line is different).

the black white ratio is different with a significance > 2 sigma?!

with original gamma: oakfoam v gnugo (487/1000 games) board size: 19 komi: 7.5 wins black white avg cpu oakfoam 232 47.64% 107 43.85% 125 51.44% 478.38 gnugo 255 52.36% 118 48.56% 137 56.15% 22.08 225 46.20% 262 53.80% with my feature gammas board size: 19 komi: 7.5 wins black white avg cpu oakfoam 194 48.87% 108 54.27% 86 43.43% 521.22 gnugo 203 51.13% 112 56.57% 91 45.73% 23.71 220 55.42% 177 44.58%

Comments (8)

  1. dsmic reporter

    I found a bug in the experimental circ pattern code, it was probably indirectly effected by the new gammas.

    I will check out further.

  2. Francois van Niekerk repo owner

    Is this bug due to inverting and getting the smallestEquivalent pattern in the wrong order? I.e. is it fixed?

  3. dsmic reporter

    It is fixed but not pushed yet: but I talk about circ patterns only. You did not pull it up to now anyway, as it are too experimentel. I will write a mail if I have more information. Your were right, I will need to have some kind of statistics of not played circ patterns, I guess I will take something like 3 random moves in every board position where I take a played one, and hope it is fast enough and good enough to get an idea of how often these patterns exist...

  4. dsmic reporter

    Please close it, it was only circpattern which was color dependend in my code and this is fixed my fork.

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