I still have trouble understanding your gtp handling, if you have time: please

Issue #35 resolved
dsmic created an issue

if quit is called I would like to have a funktion in Engine to be called to save the learned parameters.

At the moment I do it after every move in Engine::generateMove, which is to often.

getFeatures()->saveGammaFile (learn_filename_features); getFeatures()->saveCircValueFile (learn_filename_circ_patterns);

Comments (3)

  1. Francois van Niekerk repo owner

    How about after each game? There is Engine::gameFinished()

    Alternatively, if you really want to do it when the engine shuts down, you could put it in the destructor Engine::~Engine(), however I think the first method is preferable.

  2. dsmic reporter

    Thanks, this is what I was looking for. And it is called after each game with gomill, now my ssd will live longer I think:)

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