Add boarder distance feature level

Issue #36 resolved
dsmic created an issue

I recognized, that the boarder distance feature has even at distance 4 still quite a large feature value. Maybe we should add additional levels.

Comments (9)

  1. Francois van Niekerk repo owner

    According to my experiments, the weight for level 4 is very close to 1. What weights are you getting?

  2. dsmic reporter

    The gamma file I used resulted from my own run of harvest on 1315 pro games (if I remember correctly) has 1.7. This is the one I used running slow bot.

  3. Francois van Niekerk repo owner

    That is curious. It should be relatively easy to increase the number of features levels (just adjust BORDERDIST_LEVELS) and see if it helps.

  4. dsmic reporter

    Yes, thats why I called it trivial:) As I read you were adding levels anyway I wanted to remark this. Just in case you run new harvests anyway. I am fighting with self learning at the moment, so I will not add the level at the moment, as it makes the understanding more difficult.

  5. dsmic reporter

    Which training set were you using for the near 1 result?

    My self training on 13x13 seems to even increase the 4 boarder distance:)

  6. dsmic reporter

    Probably not so important as to hold a bug open. In simear importance than other ideas of improved features

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