strange number of games

Issue #37 resolved
dsmic created an issue

I remember having used this successfully. By the way, there is a line where I changed the probability to 0.1 to take a move.

Now I do not see the correct number of games from the mm tools and they are much to quick?

If I load 1315 games I see Games=230 from mm-tools?

Do you have any idea what happend?

I saw this by training 13x13 games to get a feeling of the behavior of the gammas. I attach the games just for reference.

Comments (14)

  1. Francois van Niekerk repo owner

    This does seem weird. The number of games reported by the mm tool is the number of bradley-terry competitions, so it won't be the same as the number of games, but that number seems very low.

    Are you running directly? Are you sending it the entire list of 1315 games? You can try revert to a prior state to make sure a recent change hasn't broken something

  2. dsmic reporter

    reverted to version of 2012-09-16 and behaves quite different. It now takes some time after extracting competions is printed:)

    I use command ls ../../../games//.sgf|./ initial.gamma large > trained.gamma

    where in games/Name_of_pro/*.sgf the pro games are

  3. Francois van Niekerk repo owner

    Do you mean that the version of 2012-09-16 reports a correct number of competitions?

    Which version are you having the problems with?

  4. dsmic reporter

    2012-09-16 is still thinking, that is good for 1315 games, as far as I remember.

    I tried you latest version and my latest version, both did not work correctly. Your latest even showed a lower number of competitions. Both version run within seconds to the end...

    I will keep you informed, as soon as I get a result from the run. It will take a while, possibly it will even crash due to memory consumption, as I run it with probability 1.0. If I remember correctly I had to reduce the probability to get in im my 8GB.

  5. dsmic reporter

    The version of 2012-09-16 worked. I trained with 13x13 games oakfoam against gnugo level 10.

    Interestingly the playing strength of the new parameters is slightly weaker (but close to statistical significance 3000games 54% against 56.3% winrate)

  6. dsmic reporter

    No, did not work for 19x19 too.

    I only did not finish the test run with 19x19 and 1315 games and the 2012-09-16 version as I did not have enough hard disk space, ram and time at the moment.

    But it seemed to work. The newer for sure did not work, they finisched after seconds in the mm-tools with much to low number of games and very bad gammas.

  7. Francois van Niekerk repo owner

    Could you check the how many competitions are gathered by the script? It should be as simply as adding:

    cat $TEMPMM | grep '#' | wc -l

    before the MM tool is called.

  8. dsmic reporter

    this is the file, with your latest version of it has 26 # lines

    1315 games were loaded. With 2012-09-16 its working, but I can not tell you the number very quickly, takes a long time...

  9. dsmic reporter

    After merging in, I still have this problem. As you probably do not have it, there must be some script incompatibility or I do somethin wrong.

    Can you give me a sample call with sample games which works for you (e.g. two .sgf and your initial gamma) to see what I get?

  10. dsmic reporter

    The version of gogui should be 1.4.7 or later, I had 1.4.3 (this needs undo availible in the engine)

    Sorry for the noise

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