L&D misread

Issue #8 resolved
Francois van Niekerk repo owner created an issue

The life and death problem in the bottom left corner is incorrectly read. Playouts avoid playing B1 as it looks like an eye. RAVE should address this sort of problem, but doesn't seem to be doing enough.

Comments (6)

  1. dsmic

    I am not ready with debugging, but I think


    is buggy. It seems to count the b group double, as it does not check if the attached groups belong to the same group?!

    But maybe I am wrong?!

    Therefore it counts the stpmes in b group as 8 but it is 4

  2. Francois van Niekerk reporter

    isSelfAtariOfSize() is fixed, but the bug still remains. A bit more work is required to fix this bug

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